Assault And Battery
If you’re looking for an assault and battery criminal lawyer, keep in mind that an assault attorney needs to have a thorough understanding of domestic violence law. Ross Green, a former Deputy District Attorney, has successfully served as a criminal attorney in San Mateo County California (CA), Redwood City 94063, San Francisco 94101, and the surrounding areas.
For instance, you may wonder what is the difference between Assault and Battery. The definitions are important. Simply put, an assault is a failed battery. For instance, if a person attempts to punch another but misses, only an assault is committed. If the same person makes contact with his target, both a battery and an assault have been committed. To prove this offense, a Prosecutor needs to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the act was done willfully and not in self-defense. As long as great bodily injury does not occur, these offenses can only be charged as misdemeanors.
Potential Penalties for Assault and Battery
- Jail Time (Up to 6 Months)
- Fine
- Informal/formal Probation
- Permanent Criminal Record
Common Defenses
- Failure to Give Miranda Warnings
- Force used in Self-Defense
- Lack of a Deadly Weapon
- Manner of Force not Likely to Cause Great Bodily Injury
- No Present Ability to Actually Apply Force
- Accident
- Unconsciousness
- Necessity
- Duress
Criminal Defense Lawyer for Assault and Battery Charges
Schedule Free Consultation
Selecting an attorney is often a difficult process. Be sure to discuss with whomever you choose, all viable defenses. Should fighting your case at trial not be the best option, talk to your attorney about the possibility of an alternative sentence, such as community service, electronic home monitoring, or work furlough. A plea bargain can often be negotiated to reduce fines or allow for an extended payment period.
Contact the Law Offices of Ross Green for a Free Consultation. Ross has over eight years of experience handling assault and battery offenses. All possible defenses will be explored and your rights clearly explained.
Choose a qualified lawyer, an assault attorney committed to your case, and an assault and battery attorney who knows all the appropriate defenses. Those living in San Mateo County California (CA), Redwood City 94063, San Francisco 94101 and the surrounding areas can contact Ross Green today.