As a former prosecutor, Ross Green is one of the most professional misdemeanor lawyers. Ross Green has represented clients in San Mateo, Redwood City, Palo Alto, San Francisco, and Bay Area courthouses. Thus, if you need a skilled misdemeanor attorney contact the Law Offices of Ross Green today.
What is a Misdemeanor
The definition of a misdemeanor is a criminal charge which can carry jail time of up to 1 year. For example, a DUI is a misdemeanor if there are no injuries or qualifying prior convictions. Furthermore, a conviction can create a permanent criminal record. Thus, a misdemeanor conviction can interfere with a person’s ability to find employment. For this reason, a person charged with a misdemeanor offense should consult an attorney before making any decisions. Selecting an attorney is often a difficult process. Be sure to discuss any and all viable defenses. In the alternative, should fighting your case at trial not be the best option, talk to your attorney about the possibility of an alternative sentence. For example, an alternative sentence can include community service, electronic home monitoring, or work furlough. Ross Green can help negotiate a plea bargain to reduce fines or extended payoff period.
Thus, contact The Law Offices of Ross Green for a free consultation. Ross has over eight years of experience handling misdemeanor offenses. All possible defenses will be explored and your rights clearly explained.
Criminal Defense Attorney for DWI, Assault, Theft, Drug Charges and More
Schedule Free Consultation
Take advantage of Ross Green’s experience as a professional criminal defense misdemeanor lawyer. Contact Ross Green for one of the top misdemeanor lawyers in San Mateo County California, Redwood City, Palo Alto, and the surrounding Bay Area.
If you are seeking Aggressive Criminal Defense from a Former Prosecutor, contact The Law Offices of Ross Green. The Law Offices of Ross Green can be reached at 650-780-0707. Similarly, you can reach Ross Green at The firm is located at 600 Allerton Suite, Suite 202G, Redwood City, CA 94063.
DUI attorney Redwood City Ross Green is here to help.