The Three Strikes Law in California can subject someone to life in prison. As a result, anyone facing these types of consequences needs a practiced lawyer such as Ross Green. As a former Deputy District Attorney, Ross Green has the experience to navigate these difficult waters. Ross Green has over a decade of experience with The Three Strikes Law. As a criminal defense attorney Ross Green can help you.
How The Three Strikes Law Works
Under California’s Three Strikes law certain violent or serious offenses can be used by the prosecution to lengthen an individual’s prison term. A prior single ‘Strike’ doubles a prison sentence. For instance, a person charged with making criminal threats has the maximum exposure of three years. If the same person has a prior ‘Strike’, the maximum sentence becomes six years. A person with two prior ‘Strike’ offenses can face twenty-five years to life in prison. Furthermore, a ‘Strike’ makes an individual ineligible for probation.
California’s Three Strikes law only applies to felonies.
A person falling under California’s Three Strikes law can move the court to dismiss the prior offense by filing a Romero Motion. Once the conviction is dismissed, or stricken, a person becomes eligible for probation. As such, it is important to discuss all options with an experienced attorney.
A ‘Strike’ offense has serious ramifications to a person’s future. Any person charged with a ‘Strike’ offense should consult an attorney before making any decisions. Selecting an attorney is often a difficult process. Be sure to discuss with whomever you choose, any and all viable defenses. Should fighting your case at trial not be the best option, talk to your attorney about the possibility of an alternative sentence, such as community service, electronic home monitoring, or work furlough.
Contact the Law Offices of Ross Green for a free consultation. Ross has over a decade of experience with California’s Three Strikes law. Ross Green will explore with you all possible defenses and options.
Criminal Attorney Near Me
Schedule Free Consultation
Selecting a Redwood City criminal attorney is often a difficult process. Be sure to discuss with whomever you choose, any and all viable defenses. Should fighting your case at trial not be the best option, talk to your attorney about the possibility of an alternative sentence, such as community service, electronic home monitoring or work furlough.
Contact the Law Offices of Ross Green for a Free Consultation. Ross has over eight years of experience handling three strikes offenses. All possible defenses will be explored and your rights clearly explained.
The California Three Strikes Law is a serious matter and one that you can’t trust to a lawyer without experience in the California 3 Strikes Law. Ross Green has aided those dealing with the Three Strike Law California in San Mateo County California (CA), Redwood City 94063, San Francisco 94101 and the surrounding areas.
The Law Offices of Ross Green