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Domestic Violence Attorney Near Me

In this tough time, many people are wondering if there is a domestic violence attorney near me? If you need a Free Consultation with an experienced domestic violence attorney, contact The Law Offices of Ross Green. In short, Ross Green has over a decade of experience as a criminal law attorney. As such, his experience as a former prosecutor will give you an advantage in the Courtroom. Ross Green knows how the District Attorney will view your case, what domestic violence defenses to advance, and how to get the best results.

Ross Green Domestic Violence Attorney Near Redwood City, CA.

The Law Offices of Ross Green

Domestic Violence Definition

In summary, Penal Code Section 13700 defines Domestic Violence as abuse committed against an adult or a minor who is a spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, or person with whom the suspect has had a child or is having or has had a dating or engagement relationship. If you are in need of an experienced domestic violence attorney in San Mateo County contact Ross Green.

 Hotline and  Shelter

If you are a victim of domestic violence, know who can help. There are resources available to you for immediate protection.

Ross Green has over a decade of experience as a domestic violence lawyer. Formerly a prosecutor in San Mateo County, Ross has an insider’s knowledge of how the district attorney will handle your case. Therefore, Ross has an advantage over other attorneys who do not have similar experiences.  Ultimately, Ross’ experience could help you avoid jail time and expensive fines.

If you are seeking Aggressive Criminal Defense from a Former Prosecutor, contact The Law Offices of Ross Green.  The Law Offices of Ross Green can be reached at 650-780-0707. Similarly, you can reach Ross Green at The firm is located at 600 Allerton Suite, Suite 202G, Redwood City, CA 94063.

San Mateo County criminal defense lawyer, Ross Green, will Protect you, or someone you know, by advising all available defenses and the various options.

San Mateo County California
Criminal Defense Attorney, Ross Green

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The Law Offices of
Ross Green
Criminal Defense Lawyer

The Law Offices of Ross Green

600 Allerton St, Suite 202G
Redwood City, CA 94063

Map – Criminal Defense Attorney Near Me

Tel: 650.780.0707
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