Governor Lowers Mandatory Sentence for Drug Use (HS 11550)
Starting January 1, 2015, the mandatory ninety day sentence for drug users will be eliminated. Previously, a person charged with being under the influence of a controlled substance, Health and Safety Code Section 11550, who did not otherwise qualify for a diversionary program, would face a minimum of ninety days as a sentence. On the other hand, the new law provides that if a person has suffered two prior Health and Safety Code Section 11550 convictions in the previous seven years, that person faces a 180 day minimum unless that person enters and completes a drug rehabilitation program.
Want more information on how this new law can benefit you or someone you know? Contact The Law Offices of Ross Green for a free consultation, 600 Allerton Suite, Suite 202G, Redwood City, CA 94063. (650) 780 -0707.