San Mateo and Northern California Criminal Defense Lawyer Ross Green Announces 2014 Year End Criminal Defense Recap

San Mateo and Northern California Criminal Defense Lawyer Announces 2014 Year End Criminal Defense Recap – DUI Cases Won, Charges Dismissed, Felonies Reduced to Misdemeanors, Cases Expunged
The Law Offices of Ross Green – 2014 Yearend Recap of criminal defense charges including Red Light Camera and Traffic Violations, DUI, DWI, Assault, Domestic Violence, Petty Theft and Shoplifting, Drug Possession and Drug Sales, and More.
The Law Offices of Ross Green is happy to announce another successful year fighting for client’s rights. Ross Green represented criminal defense clients in a wide variety of cases, including Sexual Assault, Felony Domestic Violence, Gang Related Charges, Theft Related Cases, Simple Misdemeanors, and Traffic Cases.
Approximately twenty-four cases were dismissed outright for either insufficiency of the evidence or in the interest of justice. These cases included charges for Felony Auto Theft, Felony Possession of Stolen Property, Felony Drug Manufacturing, Felony Fraud, Felony Residential Burglary, Felony Gang Charges, Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Vandalism, Restraining Order Violations, Battery, Petty Theft, Driving on a Suspended License and more.
The Law Offices of Ross Green was also successful in obtaining seven Expungements, one Certificate of Rehabilitation, and five dismissals under Penal Code Section 1385. Additionally, several felony matters were reduced to misdemeanors.
Ross Green also represented clients facing Red Light Camera Tickets with the large majority of them having the ticket dismissed outright either at trial or by pretrial motion challenging the sufficiency of the pictures.
There were also successes by The Law Offices of Ross Green in the appellate courts, as well, as representing individuals in restraining order matters.
The Law Offices of Ross Green is located at 600 Allerton Suite, Suite 202G, Redwood City, CA 94063. For more information call Ross Green directly at 650-780-0707 or visit our website at

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